Project Alliance- Coastal Healthy Communities Coalition
(America’s Community Coalitions Expanding SBIRT Services)
Contact: Sara Breul 207-602-3555
Location: Biddeford, Maine
Current Drug Issue:
● Alcohol
● Marijuana

ABC is a well-connected coalition with strong community and linkage support, and currently delivers training in SBIRT from IRETA . ABC has a strong referral network of parents of students within the Meade School district as well as highlights from the local newspaper on ABC programming. The Juvenile justice system in Meade County supports ABC, and have approved ABC to implement their diversion program. The Meade County School system has provided office space for ABC staff and have become a large source of referrals for student athletes who have been caught with drugs. Instead of being suspended for an entire school year, the student can return to class in 30 days if they complete ABC programming.
ABC has partnered with both the school system as well as the Sturgis Regional Hospital, and since they are accredited the are able to bill for SBIRT services though a prevention contract with the hospital.
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