Drug Free Marion County

(America’s Community Coalitions Expanding SBIRT Services)

Contact: Randy Miller 317-254-2815
Location: Indianapolis, IN

Current Drug Issue:
• Alcohol
• Marijuana
• Prescription Drugs & Opiates

Drug Free Marion County’s has a long history with SBIRT since the early 2000’s with a Demand Treatment grant from the Robert Wood Johnson foundation. This allowed us to introduce SBIRT to the Indianapolis healthcare community. This was followed by a locally funded pilot/demonstration project that paired healthcare centers and clinics with local treatment providers to conduct SBIRT and track referrals and results. One of the partner organizations in the project utilized the lessons learned to obtain a five-year SAMHSA grant to imbed SBIRT training in their medical residency program.
DFMC joined CADCA’s ACCESS Project in the 4th quarter of 2018. We have been assessing local and state SBIRT activities and implementation. There are inconsistent efforts among local providers in conducting SBIRT. A glaring lack of SBIRT for youth/adolescents provides an opportunity we are exploring for a potential project in either healthcare or school-based settings.
Recently DFMC has taken an active role in promoting safe medication disposal options and is a partner organization in RALI (Rx Abuse Leadership Initiative) in Indiana. We recently celebrated our 20th year as a coalition.


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